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Pożyczki FLIP
z gwarancją zysku



Earn like a developer 

Developers Loans 

It is a classic medium-risk loan product aimed at an investor who expects an attractive interest rate, several times higher than that of bank deposits or government bonds.

The lender grants a loan to a developer who, together with his capital (e.g. bank capital) carries out his residential or development investment.

Such loans also apply to so-called flipping investments. Regardless of the type of investment, the developer agrees that the payment of his profit will take place only after the loan has been fully repaid, together with the interest due.


Current Projects

Investment calculator

On the deposit you earn

at 0,8% interest rate


400 pln

Average annual interest rate on deposits as of 2020 r. accordingto the najlepszelokaty.pl crated on the basis of the GUS, NBP and RPP data.

Investing in comercial real estate 

at a rate of return 10%


3000 pln

The average annual return on comercial real estate investments of 6% and 12% based on comercial transactions carried out Crowder.PRO

I mainly invest my surpluses in government bonds. I do not have as much free founds to buy an apartment for rent, and if I can invest in the real estate market e.g. a few thousand zlotys, than I will definitely get acquainted with the offer of Crowder.PRO


42 years old, freelancer
